salt 360 is dedicated to your comfort, relaxation, and restoration.
About Floating
Read below for frequently asked questions about our floating technology and best practices, and watch our helpful intro video on how to float if it’s your first time!
salt 360 uses Float Lab Technologies floatation systems. Since 1999, Float Lab has been producing and providing the safest, most hygienic sensory reduction experience. Float Lab is the world’s only NSF 50 & UL 1795 certified Isolation Floatation systems approved for commercial use. Before every user, each Float Lab is sanitized by a patent pending disinfection filtration system certified to produce a minimum 3-Log kill (99.9%) or greater per cleaning cycle without the use of any toxic halogen chemicals.
The dimensions are 6′ Wide x 8′ Long x 7′ High. A large 3′ x 5′ door makes access to the float room easy.
The entirety of the water is filtered through a 1-10 micron filter multiple times after each float. Skimmers are used to keep the surface completely clear.
High powered UV lights and Ozone are used to treat and sanitize the water between every person.
We rigorously measure and maintain the water levels, specific gravity, and temperature of the tanks. The water in the float tank is about 30% Epsom salt, which is a difficult environment for a lot of bacteria to live in (the Dead Sea is named that for a reason).
Our tanks, by Float Lab, are the world’s only commercially certified Isolation Floatation system and they work extensively with NSF International and public health officials world-wide to clarify and put forward safety and hygiene standards for the floatation industry. The NSF/ANSI Standard 50 certification, NSF Electrical certification to UL 1795, and patented non-halogen chemical disinfection system assures state of the art equipment that you can have 100% confidence in.
Float Lab® patented disinfection system is certified to produce a minimum 3-log kill (99.9%) of all microorganisms within the solution per cleaning cycle. The multistage filtration system finalizes at 1 micron. This filtration system is run after each client appointment.
Avoid a heavy meal, however you don’t want to hear your stomach growling so a light meal/snack is recommended. Avoid caffeine before floating, it may interfere with your ability to relax.
Do not color your hair 72 hours before your float. We recommend that you wait until the water running through your hair in the shower at home is fully clear. If there is still some color coming out you should wait a couple of more days/showers.
Our guests are requested to shower before their float. Showering before entering your private float pool eliminates personal products and other contaminants. Clothing is not permitted; any clothing will interfere with your experience and contaminate the pool.
Earplugs are provided to minimize epsom salt entering your ear canals, and to reduce outside sounds. Before entering the float pool, dry your face, push your hair back and keep your hands away from your eyes during your session to avoid rubbing epsom salt in your eyes.
Yes. There is more than 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt dissolved in the water, so no matter your weight or height, you will float effortlessly on your back. As you lay back, the water will reach the temples; leaving your eyes, nose and mouth fully exposed to the air.
Yes. It is safe to fall asleep and many people do. Even those who say they never sleep on their backs in bed, do so very easily as a result of being so relaxed.
No. We offer a private experience for each individual.
The thought of being in a dark space can be frightening to some. However, total darkness does not create an enclosed, confined, limited, or restricted feeling; it actually has the opposite effect. Our float cabins are big enough to enter and exit while standing.
Remember, you are in complete control of your float and can exit the float pool at any time.
Yes. Pregnant women probably get more relief from floating than most people. The extra weight carried during pregnancy can be very stressful. Floating eliminates the negative effects of gravity, which causes inflammation, joint pain, and stress on the organs as well as the unborn baby. We recommend that pregnant women consult their physician prior to floating, specifically during the first trimester.
People who are epileptic or with special conditions should consult their physician prior to scheduling a float.
We offer a shower and bathroom that are ADA accessible. Some assistance will be required to enter the float cabin. Please contact us for additional information.
We ask that cancellations be made 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. There is a 50% service fee for floats that are not canceled 24 hrs in advance.
About Infrared Saunas
Read below for frequently asked questions and information about our infrared saunas.
Our Sunlighten infrared sauna’s cutting-edge infrared heating technology, created with FDA-approved materials, provides the healing aspects of sunlight while eliminating the harmful effects of UV rays. During an infrared sauna session, the body absorbs invisible infrared rays and its core temperature rises, which results in many important health benefits.
There are three types of infrared waves, named according to how close they are to visible light: near infrared (NIR) waves, mid infrared (MIR) waves, and far infrared (FIR) waves. NIR waves penetrate skin’s thin outermost layer. MIR waves penetrate the body’s dermis, the thick middle layer of skin. Finally, FIR waves, which penetrate up to 1.5 inches into the body, are absorbed as gentle radiant heat and safely improve health at a cellular level. These three types of waves each interact differently with our bodies and provide varying health benefits.
When you begin your session, you select one of six preset programs depending on your health goals and needs. You simply make your selection, then sit back and let the heaters emit precise combinations of near, mid and far wavelengths in order for the benefits to begin.
A cold plunge is a conclusion that we offer to your sauna to help you leave feeling incredibly revitalized and rejuvenated. Cold plunges are said to have a number of physical and mental health benefits, including:
Improving mood
Decreasing stress
Potentially slowing the progression of neurodegenerative diseases
Managing pain
Our Sauna Programs
When you begin your session, you select one of six preset programs depending on your health goals and needs. You simply make your selection then sit back and let the heaters emit precise combinations of near, mid and far wavelengths in order for the benefits to begin.
Sunlighten’s infrared sauna heat penetrates muscles for faster recovery and relief from minor aches and pains and even some chronic pain conditions.
Sunlighten’s infrared heating technology is clinically proven to raise core body temperature by three degrees. Data shows that a rise in core temperature is crucial to creating the most detoxifying sweat, and a Sunlighten sauna generates a sweat seven times more detoxifying than a traditional sauna. As infrared waves penetrate your skin and heat your core, your body sweats out toxic substances naturally, leaving you feeling cleansed and energized.
Skin’s appearance improves as pores open due to the deeper sweat induced by Sunlighten’s infrared therapy. The sauna’s multiple infrared wavelengths result in the greatest benefit to skin. Infrared waves can stimulate production of collagen and elastin, as well as increase circulation. Together these waves restore, refresh, and rejuvenate skin.
Far infrared sauna wavelengths in Sunlighten saunas create a passive workout, stimulating sluggish metabolism and burning calories. As the body works to cool itself, there is a substantial increase in heart rate and metabolic rate, causing the body to burn calories. Studies have shown a 30-minute infrared sauna session can burn up to 600 calories.
Good circulation is critical to overall health. Infrared sauna therapy acts like a passive cardio workout, which improves circulation and has been clinically shown to reduce blood pressure.
Stress can negatively affect the body in many ways, including impacting the immune system. A Sunlighten sauna’s infrared heating technology aids in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. It can also help strengthen the immune system. When a person runs a fever, body temperature rises and boosts the immune system. Similarly, infrared heating technology is clinically proven to raise core body temperature by three degrees. The waves naturally aid the body’s overall immunity defense, while supporting your health and wellness goals.
Resources and Studies
We’ve collected a wide variety of research demonstrating the physical and mental benefits of the services offered at salt360.